Advertising in Korea

Pay Per Click (PPC) listings occupy the prime real estate of Korean search engines and directories. These listings appear before the natural (organic) listings in relevant search results, often in a boxed-off area at the top of the page. They are usually the first links that potential Korean customers see when they receive their search results.
Unfortunately, like all prime territory, these positions come at a cost. PPC listings are powered by pay-per-click search engines, which means that the owner of a website pays a set amount every time someone clicks on their listing in the sponsored listing section. The cost per click varies depending on the key phrases you have chosen and the ranking you want to achieve with your listings. For example, the top PPC listings will cost more than the third or fourth listing on the page.

Creating and maintaining account .
- Before creating your pay-per-click (PPC) ads, it’s important to research the rules and guidelines of each search engine where you plan to advertise. You should compare PPC listing packages, factor in start-up costs into your budget, and determine which search engines offer the best deals and where you can get the greatest ROI.
- Once you have selected the search engines where you want to advertise, take the time to set up your PPC advertising account and decide on the key phrases under which you want your ads to appear. This requires more research because the most obvious key phrases are often not the most affordable and may not drive the greatest number of visitors to your website.
3) To maintain your rankings, it’s crucial to monitor your pay-per-click listings on a daily basis. If a competitor agrees to pay more per click than what you currently pay for your sponsored spot, they’ll be given your spot. In such a scenario, you’ll need to decide whether to bid more than your competitor for that spot or bid for a cheaper spot instead.
4) In case your advertising budget changes and you decide to reduce spending on sponsored PPC listings for a particular month, you’ll need to conduct key phrase and price research once again. Otherwise, you run the risk of depleting your accounts and having your keyword listings disappear altogether
We offer a PPC campaign management plan that relieves you from the hassle of managing your campaign in Korean search engines. To get information about fees and details, please contact us and provide us with as many details as possible about your requirements. When contacting us, please ensure that you share information about your company. We do not consider inquiries sent from free email services without any company information to be serious, and we may not respond to such inquiries.
Do you manage my ppc in korean search engines?
Yes we do.
As you may be aware, the technical aspects of PPC campaigns are not usually the issue, but rather the time-consuming nature of managing them. With our plan, we take care of managing your PPC campaign on Korean search engines and provide you with monthly reports in English.
If necessary, we can also optimize your website to improve your quality score, which can lead to better ad performance and lower costs.
How do you pick my keywords?
To get started with our PPC campaign management plan, we first create a list of all the keywords related to the products or services that you offer on your website, including the ones you have requested.
Next, we use a tool to identify all variations of those keywords that people are searching for in Korean directories. We analyze each keyword and remove any that are too general or too expensive to use. Sometimes, certain keywords generate a high number of searches, but result in a low number of qualified and targeted clicks, leading to wasted spend. We ensure that we choose only the most relevant and effective keywords to maximize your budget and results.
How many times should I use my Keyword Marketing Phrase in my website?
The frequency with which you use your Keyword Marketing Phrase in your website does not directly impact your web page’s ranking. Rather, what matters is the percentage of times you use your Keyword Marketing Phrase compared to the total number of words on your web page.
There is no specific percentage that guarantees a high ranking for your web page, as every web page is unique and different. If such a percentage existed, every web page would be using the Keyword Marketing Phrase the same number of times, which would render it useless for search engines.
I advise people to write their web page, sales presentation, or article naturally, without worrying about the frequency of the Keyword Marketing Phrase. They can then review their writing the next day and determine where the Keyword Marketing Phrase would be most effective within the context of the page. Placing the Keyword Marketing Phrase closer to the beginning of the web page can improve its ranking in search engines, but it’s not the only factor that determines ranking.
What Information do you need to run your PPC advertisement?
To help us develop a tailored PPC campaign proposal for you, we need the following information:
- Monthly Budget*: Please let us know how much you plan to spend on your PPC campaign per month.
- Keyword Ideas*: What specific words or phrases describe the products or services that you sell? Please provide us with a list of keywords that you think would be relevant to your business.
- Site Focus*: Are there any particular areas of your website that you would like to emphasize through the PPC campaign? If so, which ones? For example, if you have a new product launch, you may want to prioritize advertising for that specific product.
- Special Information: Is there anything else you would like us to know to help us develop your proposal? This could include any unique selling propositions or target audience information that would be relevant to your PPC campaign.
Geographic Regions
Enter the geographic regions in which you would like your ads displayed
Industry Information
Industry sector for your online business
Apparel / Accessories
Computer>computer shopping-mall
Computer>Game Room
Education/Career>Driving Institute
Education/Career>institute for entrance exam
Education/Career>language institute
Finance/Insurance>credit card
Health/Beauty>Anus Hospital
Health/Beauty>body care
Health/Beauty>Dental Surgery
Health/Beauty>Herb Clinic
Health/Beauty>Management for loss of hair
Health/Beauty>Obstetrics and gynecology
Health/Beauty>Plastic Surgery
Home/Personal Care
Home/Personal Care>Moving
IT/Telecom>ISP/Vendor for ISP
IT/Telecom>Portal/Internet Service
Others>accounting service
Others>legal service
Others>patent service
Promotion Gear/Office supplies
Promotion Gear/Office supplies>Promotion Gear
Real Estate
Retail/Shopping>Big Shopping Mall
Retail/Shopping>small & medium shopping mall
Travel/Transportation>Rent Car
Travel/Transportation>travel agency
Travel/Transportation>Travel to Jeju Island
Wedding/Baby>Wedding Consulting